National Public Policies in the European Union

28.04.2011 | Documentos oficiales y leyes

Esta es la versión 2011 actualizada del compendio que recopila las políticas públicas vinculadas con RSE en 27 Estado miembros de la Unión Europea. Está editado por la Comisión Europea y CSR Europe.

This Compendium is intended to update the existing
Compendiums by taking account of recent governmentinitiated
public policies on CSR in the 27 EU Member States
and the European Union. By doing so it shows both continuity
and change vis-à-vis its predecessors. This concerns the
structure, methods, scope and purpose of the publication.This Compendium is intended to update the existingCompendiums by taking account of recent governmentinitiatedpublic policies on CSR in the 27 EU Member Statesand the European Union. By doing so it shows both continuityand change vis-à-vis its predecessors. This concerns thestructure, methods, scope and purpose of the publication.