Georg Kell before his visit to Argentina

01.05.2015 | Entrevistas

Georg Kell, UN Global Compact Executive Director, talks to ComunicaRSE and shows satisfaction with the work done by Latin America network. Kell point out “the need for more actions to ensure environmental and social protection in Chile”.

During the interview, Kell highlight the need to replace old company’s values with new ones. “Value creation is an obligation. Being global is being able to be local everywhere and should build long-term value."

He also affirm that companies should change their priorities “for the benefit of all”. “First, they need to work on inclusion and equality, followed by human dimension, education and women empowerment, and continue with environmental care, peace and security”.

In a few weeks you are going to participate in Global Compact Network Fourth Assembly in Argentina, what is the importance of your visit?

“I want to express my support to the Argentine Network and its members. That’s the main reason.  I hope that my visit is not only an incentive but also a call to action to companies to move forward to sustainability. United Nations presented this month “Architects of a Better World: Building the Post-2015 Business Engagement Architecture”. For the first time in UN’s history companies have taken the initiative to examine ways to collaborate with public sector. In Argentina we are going to talk about the importance of these actions.”

Sonia Favaretto, Sustainability Chief Officer of BM&FBovespa, first stock exchange in the world to become a member of the Global Compact, also participated in the Forum.

She spoke about the importance of “acquiring liability rules within companies”. “Sustainability seen to be a new management model that inspires to connect business with current and future interests of society.”

Felix de Vicente, Chile’s Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, noted that sustainable development is a fundamental issue in order to become “the country we want to be”. "We must build new pillars to achieve economic development and combine it with social development and environmental protection, allowing us to ensure a more just and equitable growth".

He presents the new Social Responsibility Council for Sustainable Development, created in July by Ministry of Economy, together with other organizations. This Council was created to assist in the preparation of Chile’s upcoming public policies related to Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

By María Julia Arana